Lou's Diary
A little prince, not quite like the others
  Hello, I am a little boy who only sees right with his heart...
Which doesn't make my parent's daily life any easier. So I'm blind and different (mentally speaking).




« october 2005 »



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Lou the acrobat


Welcome to Lou's blog

This blog was born in french during autumn 2003 and is now progressively being translated in your language.

New articles will therefore appear on a regular basis.


... my apologies to the people who hadn't understood this yet, all articles on this website are created and written by myself (his dad).

Lou is currently unable to do it,, just like he is to this day unable to grasp the concept of a "computer", "internet", or to focus for a long period of time on a conversation. Only time will tell us if we manage to integrate him completely in the world in which he lives.

Therefore all stories, despite relating actual facts, are obviously biased by my interpretation of his behavior. But having known him for over five years, I don't think I'm getting it wrong.

Want to know more ? Check out the "read me" page.

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Thank you to the "Roi Baudoin" foundation ( "Parcours hors pistes" ). The new design, hosting and translations were partially made possible by their financial support.
Many thanks to Marco Pappalardo et Laetitia Bouet for the translation.


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monday 17 october 2005

126. Chronicles of time passing (7) : keep smiling !

Lou se marreThere's nothing like humour ! That's a promise from a teasing and waggish little Lou.

I love to laugh and to hear others laugh.
Why be sad when you can be happy !
Daddy and mommy love laughing, but sometimes they're too serious with their offspring (namely bibi !). I love hearing others laugh or laughing myself so much. If it were up to me, I could picture a world where I would only be adressed in a humorous and playful way.
But apparently life is not all about jokes and it seems to require a good ammount of energy and time. Sometimes I feel a little let down, because I really don't care about time.
Oh well, nobody's perfect ... except me, humour-wise.
I swear !

Yesterday, my "serious" parents managed to get me hooked to classical music. (the first time I repeated the term "classical music", I said "musical music" and they laughed ... and so did I).
They already introduced me to the requiem of Fauré (daddy's favorite) and Mozart (mommy's favorite) (we were talking about happy people right ?)
Well I lo-ved it. I kept asking "louder", so I could feel the flights of lyricism vibrate inside of me.
I liked it so much it looked like I had a big banana'smile in place of my mouth.
I'll ask for it again for sure, depsite Henri Dès' current success in my personal charts (I go over every single one of them like you would go over every single Asterix comic).

Remaining on the subject of humour, I came up with a good one last night.
"Say mom, "shit" means "poop", and "pipi" means "woops" !"
Think about it : shit (the swear word) and woops (the substitute to swear words).
I was quite proud of my association of ideas, besides you should've heard daddy and mommy laughing.
Once again banana'smile on my face !

The funniest bit, so far, remains my hunt for the "shit's" inadvertently said by the family or anybody else (preferably an adult). Just imagine at the market, at the bakery, or home with my parents' friends, when I pay attention and I listen to them talk, hunting for swear words : I get "thank you" (merci in french) or the verb "to put" (mettre in french) confused with "sh.." (merde in french) (that's right, I can't say that word anymore by the way).
So I pretend I'm shocked : "Oh, you can't say swear words".
I don't know about the face of the clients at the bakery or at the market (I can't see them), but at least I can tell you people were laughing around me !
And my parents' friends, they usually play along.
Actually, maybe I'm hearing the words wrong on purpose.
Grown ups are so funny when they are caught red handed or when they're pretending.

Keep smiling !
By Luc Boland :: lundi 17 octobre 2005 at 12:26 :: Day by day :: #146 :: rss

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