Lou's Diary
A little prince, not quite like the others
  Hello, I am a little boy who only sees right with his heart...
Which doesn't make my parent's daily life any easier. So I'm blind and different (mentally speaking).




« september 2005 »



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Welcome to Lou's blog

This blog was born in french during autumn 2003 and is now progressively being translated in your language.

New articles will therefore appear on a regular basis.


... my apologies to the people who hadn't understood this yet, all articles on this website are created and written by myself (his dad).

Lou is currently unable to do it,, just like he is to this day unable to grasp the concept of a "computer", "internet", or to focus for a long period of time on a conversation. Only time will tell us if we manage to integrate him completely in the world in which he lives.

Therefore all stories, despite relating actual facts, are obviously biased by my interpretation of his behavior. But having known him for over five years, I don't think I'm getting it wrong.

Want to know more ? Check out the "read me" page.

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Thank you to the "Roi Baudoin" foundation ( "Parcours hors pistes" ). The new design, hosting and translations were partially made possible by their financial support.
Many thanks to Marco Pappalardo et Laetitia Bouet for the translation.


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monday 19 september 2005

120. Look at me and listen to me sing !

Lou en balançoireI told you we went to the playground fifteen days ago (art. 110). Well daddy grabbed the chance to film me when I improvised a song on the swing set.
You can see it here : watch the video.

P.S.: daddy added subtitles, but they're not very visible on the net so here is a transcription :

The into :
"In 4 days it's ... (?) 's birthday... I... I... what you say. I'm singing the song."

The song :

"With Marie Anne, la la la la...
At Marie Ann's, I understand.
It's the radio... was in a locker box.
I understand if the "banne du" (?)
Were in a radio,
Were in a ...
With Grampa we obey... to Marie-Anne
And I can't say swear words !
"Piapaille" woops (bis)
And in "piapaille" woops, with grampa...
"piapaille" woops, woops,
I was there (?)
At the swear wo.. wo.. wo.. woops,
swear words, in the trashcan !
So below the...
She said (?)
The the the Petho at Matie-Anne's...vAt Marie-Anne's" (...)

My dictionary (so you can understand) :
-Marie Anne, my school teacher, doesn't want me to say swear words, "which go to the trash can" (dixit Marie-Anne).
- the "locker box" is the place where my teacher wants me to learn to put away my coat and my bag.
- "piapaille" is a word I made up and I like very much.
- "wooops" replaces swear words
- the "Petho" (the Petho table) is a psychomotility table (in the classroom) which I don't like too much.
So all in all this does make sense! (hum...)
By Luc Boland :: lundi 19 septembre 2005 at 15:23 :: Day by day :: #140 :: rss

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