Hello, I am a little boy who only sees right with his heart...
Which doesn't make my parent's daily life any easier. So I'm blind and different (mentally speaking).
This blog was born in french during autumn 2003 and is now progressively being translated in your language.
New articles will therefore appear on a regular basis.
... my apologies to the people who hadn't understood this yet, all articles on this website are created and written by myself (his dad).
Lou is currently unable to do it,, just like he is to this day unable to grasp the concept of a "computer", "internet", or to focus for a long period of time on a conversation. Only time will tell us if we manage to integrate him completely in the world in which he lives.
Therefore all stories, despite relating actual facts, are obviously biased by my interpretation of his behavior. But having known him for over five years, I don't think I'm getting it wrong.
Thank you to the "Roi Baudoin" foundation ( "Parcours hors pistes" ). The new design, hosting and translations were partially made possible by their financial support.
Many thanks to Marco Pappalardo et Laetitia Bouet for the translation.
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wednesday 14 september 2005
119. Chronicles of time passing time 6 (continued) : I listen to everything !
On this rainy sunday, they wouldn't even let me go walk the dog in the forest. Daddy got
all wet on his own. Serves him right !
When he came back, he kissed me in the neck (I was busy with my gargantuan late afternoon lunch), then I heard give mom a passionate kiss. Eva who was passing by on her scooter (inside the house!), while continuing her visit of the ground floor, let out "Oh, I just met romanticism !". Daddy and mommy burst into laughter... I didn't react, but I did hear it, because despite appearances I listen to everything ! Want proof ?
A few moments later I hear daddy talking to Eva in the living room and telling her : "Swear !" Since I'm becoming the
"swear words keeper" at home, I didn't let it slide : "Daddy, you can't say swear words !" (in french just like in english, to swear means both to make a promise and to use swear words or to curse) Daddy was taken aback : "...But, I didn't say any swear words !" Mommy put two and two together right away. So daddy tried to explain to me that there is "swearing" and "swearing", well..., before admitting the correct word would've been : promised or promise.
Speaking of which, this is still one of my favorite subjects : whether it's Lou,
little dog Courage , Mister René
, or anybody else, I remind them every hour of the day (and night) that they can't say swear words. I even asked mommy while taking a bath how to say "you can't say swear words" in dutch (speaking dutch has also become one of my centers of interest lately). Mommy rushed to daddy's office, who was busy writing on his computer. I heard them laugh
in the next room. Good question !(regarding the dutch translation of "swear words") Headed for the "Frans-Nederlands" dictionary. Of course "swear words" wasn't in it. They decided to go with "insult". Back in the bathroom, mommy gave me the translation : "Je mag geen beleidiging zeggen !" (literal translation of course). So I applied myself to repeating that sentence. One of these days I'll use it again for sure !
Despite the dull weather on this sunday, things were far from dull at home. I must say I gave it all I got. Besides, mommy and daddy found a way around my refusals and my "no's" which often ended up
with me throwing a fit : the word "soon" ! In other words, they warn me well in advance of the deadlines : bath, bed, etc... And it works !
So, see you soon ! ('cause it might work on you too, dear readers !)
By Luc Boland :: mercredi 14 septembre 2005 at 08:45 :: My own world
:: #139
:: rss