Lou's Diary
A little prince, not quite like the others
  Hello, I am a little boy who only sees right with his heart...
Which doesn't make my parent's daily life any easier. So I'm blind and different (mentally speaking).




« july 2005 »



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Lou on the djembe


Welcome to Lou's blog

This blog was born in french during autumn 2003 and is now progressively being translated in your language.

New articles will therefore appear on a regular basis.


... my apologies to the people who hadn't understood this yet, all articles on this website are created and written by myself (his dad).

Lou is currently unable to do it,, just like he is to this day unable to grasp the concept of a "computer", "internet", or to focus for a long period of time on a conversation. Only time will tell us if we manage to integrate him completely in the world in which he lives.

Therefore all stories, despite relating actual facts, are obviously biased by my interpretation of his behavior. But having known him for over five years, I don't think I'm getting it wrong.

Want to know more ? Check out the "read me" page.

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Thank you to the "Roi Baudoin" foundation ( "Parcours hors pistes" ). The new design, hosting and translations were partially made possible by their financial support.
Many thanks to Marco Pappalardo et Laetitia Bouet for the translation.


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monday 25 july 2005

114. Daring to use words ! (Rewind - 2 -)

That's it ! Daddy has opened the memories box !
It took quite a few months before my sister Eva realized I was blind.
That was all my parents' fault.

Eva was thrilled to have a little brother. She was only four and a half years old. So you can guess how she treated me : like a doll. Shaking me all over the place, taking me in her arms unannounced, sticking the pacifier in my mouth the way you would put the cork back in a wine bottle, etc.
She was a little crazy.

Daddy and mommy kept asking her to be more gentle and to warn me before approaching me. They told her I was different, that I couldn't see.
And then there was my behavior, which Eva could tell was different from other babies'. I wouldn't look at her when she talked to me.
So she started yelling in my hears to attract my attention.
My parents would step in :
"Eva, don't yell in his ears ! Lou can hear you just fine, but he can't see you."
To no avail. My dearest sister just wouldn't get it.

This went on for a few months, until the day she was getting yelled at for the thousandth time (poor girl had just, once again, startled me by yelling in my hears !) : "Come on Eva, pay attention : you're going to scare him. He can hear you just fine, but he DOES-NOT-SEE-YOU !"
Eva (Click!) "... what ? ... You mean he's BL-IND ?"

Funny huh ?
Convinced that she wouldn't understand the term "blind", or maybe also out of delicacy, my parents weren't using the right words.

Eva et Lou bébé
By Luc Boland :: lundi 25 juillet 2005 at 15:01 :: Past time :: #134 :: rss

Your comments

Hi Lou,
I'm sure Eva thinks you are the best brother in the world, even if you can't hear her, even if she doesn't always understand you.
Stay safe Lou.

mardi 26 juillet 2005 at 10:23, comment from Karen :: email :: site :: #

Hello my little Loulou! I am so sorry I have been away for so long. I have been going through some things that took me away from blogging for a little while. I really hope you and your family are doing well and I will try not to be away so long again. I missed you! Kisses, sweetheart!!!

mardi 2 août 2005 at 18:38, comment from stephie :: email :: site :: #

Sorry to doesn't answer to each mesage, but life is a little bit too crazy in this time : hollydays, work etc.
Kisses for you all

vendredi 5 août 2005 at 09:26, comment from Luc :: #

I could tell by seeing the movie that Lou and Eva were very sweet and loving towards each other(which touched me very much) Eva meant very well but was just too little to understand

samedi 13 février 2016 at 13:23, comment from Evelien :: email :: #

That's such a sweet photo

vendredi 17 juin 2016 at 17:04, comment from Evelien :: #

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