Last year, at school, I went on "classes vertes" in a farm specially equipped for discovering life at the countryside. Three days without daddy and mommy, who 'm guessing enjoyed the chance to rest a little. It was great... except for a little incident which profoundly marked me. We were visiting the farm animals to feed them : horses, chickens, pigs ... and sheep. Already I'm not very frank, or even attracted to daddy's dog, let alone other animals, I couldn't care less about them (except horses). But ok, since I had to obey my teacher, I went through the whole tribulation. Once in the sheep stable, I was sat down on the hay near the animals. Moment chosen by a large animal to bleat right into my ear. Needless to say I jumped in the air ... and a cryinf fit ensued. For at least two or three months, it was the centerpiece of all my conversations : "Sheep ! You can't do Beeee !" -"But you ( = I ) musn't be afraid of sheep, they are nice!" - "Beeee... Little sheep, you want your mommy, little sheep ?" - "You musn't cry sheep..." etc...
And since then, my imitation of the bleating of the animal is perfect... To the point I correct those who stupidly go "beeee" ( "cocorico"-style ) (the picture attached is from that trip : they are vanely trying to introduce me to a lamb to reconcile me with sheep and not be afraid anymore).